"My responsibility: tactics didn't work"

MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2024, 20:48 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

INTERVIEWS After the defeat against Kortrijk, coach Brian Riemer took the blame. He adjusted his eleven and it did not work out as hoped. "I don't want to point fingers at the players," the coach said. "I made the choice, so I'm at fault."

Riemer opted for the duo of Rits - Delaney in midfield and Dolberg - Vazquez up front. "On Friday I was convinced that these were the best choices, but now we have to say that I was wrong. The defeat is my responsibility. The next two weeks I'm going to be sick of this. Kortrijk had 0.5 expected goals today. Today we lost not against Kortrijk, but against ourselves. And I say that with the greatest respect for Kortrijk."

In midfield, Anderlecht lacked creativity, Riemer also admitted. "But it's too easy to blame them for everything. Is Delaney in top form? No. Do we need that in the playoffs? Yes. Thomas hasn't played six matches. To find his best form, he needs to play. Because Stroeykens, Leoni and Hazard were on four yellow cards, I gave him playing time."

In attack, Dolberg often dropped out to the left, but even that was not a success. "But again, it's not fair to point fingers at one or two players. It's true that up front we had difficulty keeping up with the ball, but the centers were not good either. There was no consistency in our play. We now have to see if we can still play with Dolberg and Vazquez together. Is it an interesting plan B? It's up to us now to find answers."

Source: © Internal source